Our Trinity College Dublin researchers will be presenting their ForES work on ecosystem extent accounts for forest sites at a number of events this summer. Read more...

Our ForES PhD Candidate Kathleen Conroy will be speaking at the Trees for Climate Change, Biodiversity and People event in Canterbury, England, hosted by The Woodland Trust, University of Kent and the British Ecological Society, which takes place from June 28-29. The presentation topic will be 'Creating Extent Accounts to Understand Land Use Change in Terms of Irish Forests'. Register here by June 16.
Project postdoctoral researcher Francesco Martini will be presenting the work of the ForES project to date, including building extent accounts at specific Coillte sites in Ireland, at the Botany2023 conference in Boise, Idaho, USA. This will be a hybrid event on July 22-26, with some presentations available to view through the event portal - sign up here.